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Table 4 Distribution of anxiety and depression according to sputum cytology classification

From: Anxiety and depression in COPD patients and correlation with sputum and BAL cytologyAnsietà e depressione nei pazienti con BPCO e correlazione con la citologia dell’espettoratoe del BAL

Sputum cytology: n. patients per group

Number of patients with anxiety symptoms (%)

Number of patients with depression symptoms (%)


N: 12

3 (25)

2 (16.6)

< 0.36

MA: 16

5 (31.2)

6 (37.5)

< 0.42

IA: 20

11 (55)

12 (60)

< 0.062

SA: 12

7 (58.3)

8 (66.6)

< 0.067

  1. Definition of abbreviations: IA, intermediate atypia; MA, mild atypia; N, normal; SA, severe atypia.