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Table 6 Management of asthma by the asthmatics (N = 903)

From: Factors related to under-diagnosis and under-treatment of childhood asthma in metropolitan France


Undiagnosed Asthma N = 377

Diagnosed Asthma N = 526

Diagnosed Asthma



Untreated N = 76

Treated N = 353


Medication compliance, N (%)


All treatment

34 (73.91)

262 (72.58)

6 (50.00)

243 (73.41)


Most of the treatment

6 (13.04)

66 (18.28)

1 (8.33)

62 (18.73)


A part of the treatment

6 (13.04)

21 (5.82)


20 (6.04)



0 (0.00)

8 (2.22)

4 (33.33)

3 (0.91)


Attacks prevention, N (%)

33 (31.43)

281 (62.86)

31 (45.59)

223 (67.58)


Medication during asthma attacks, N (%)

68 (64.15)

423 (91.36)

59 (84.29)

325 (94.20)


Management of asthma by the child, N (%)

21 (23.08)

300 (66.52)

23 (32.39)

258 (77.48)


Peak flow-meter use, N (%)

0 (0.00)

29 (6.25)

2 (2.99)

25 (7.20)


  1. N, number; NS, not significant;%, percentage.
  2. (&), p-value between asthmatics and the rest of the population.
  3. (^), p-value between diagnosed and undiagnosed asthma.
  4. (§), p-value between treated and untreated asthma.
  5. *, p < 0.05.