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Table 1 Operational checklist in daily use by nurses during TVC

From: Re-admissions to hospital and patient satisfaction among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease after telemedicine video consultation - a retrospective pilot study

•  Patient number

•  General condition

•  Consciousness

•  Anxiety

•  Food intake

•  Sleep

•  Level of functioning

•  Physical activity

•  Inhalation technique

•  Number of short-acting inhalations last day

•  Use of on-going inhalation medication

•  Use of antibiotics

•  Use of systemic steroids

•  Coughing

•  Sputum colour

•  Sputum volume

•  Sputum consistency

•  Use of accessory breathing muscles

•  Prolonged expiration

•  Heart rate (beats/minute)

•  Use of oxygen supply

•  Oxygen saturation (%)

•  Other medication

•  Marks [consultations with doctor, home-nurse, physiotherapist or ergotherapist, emergency calls]