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Table 2 Questions to patients regarding patient satisfaction and user friendliness of TVC equipment

From: Re-admissions to hospital and patient satisfaction among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease after telemedicine video consultation - a retrospective pilot study

1. How do you usually feel at discharge from hospital after COPD exacerbation?

 Very safe – Safe – Unsafe – Very unsafe

2. At discharge the TVC service made me feel

 Very safe – Safe – Unsafe – Very unsafe

3. How do you consider the significance of the TVC for your ability to cope with your COPD related problems?

 - Great significance

 - Some significance

 - No significance

4. Retrospectively, if you could choose, would you prefer a telephone consultation rather than tele-video-consultation?

 - I would prefer talking to the nurse by phone

 - I would prefer the tele-video-consultation

5. Which of the following statement fits you best concerning your experience of user-friendliness of the TVC equipment?

 - It was easy to operate the TVC equipment

 - It was a bit difficult to operate the TVC equipment

 - I could not manage to operate the TVC equipment

6. Who was operating the tele-video conferencing system at home?

 - You, every time

 - A friend or a relative operated the tele-video-conferencing system every time

 - Different persons operated the tele-video-conferencing system every time

 - The tele-video-conferencing system was not in use