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Table 2 Distribution of subjects in the four subgroups according to their basal hemoglobin (Hb) values, and corresponding mean Hb values ± sd

From: Changes in blood hemoglobin and blood gases PaO2 and PaCO2 in severe COPD overa three-year telemonitored program of long-term oxygen treatment


n (%)

Hb (mean ± sd)

A (< 13 g/dL)

15/132 (11.3%)

11.7 g/dL ± 0.9

B (≥ 13 <15 g/dL)

42/132 (31.8%)

14.1 g/dL ± 0.5

C (≥ 15 <16 g/dL)

41/132 (31.1%)

15.4 g/dL ± 0.3

D (≥ 16 g/dL)

34/132 (25.8%)

17.5 g/dL ± 1.3